We need a European Cern where to study artificial intelligence to help companies

We need a European Cern where to study artificial intelligence to help companies


On July 4, 2012, magnets a couple of tens of meters high guided with absolute precision the particle beams, more than microscopic, into the mouths of the equally large and heavy detectors. Eleven years ago in Geneva at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, known to most as Cern, a particle with a mass of 125.3 gev was discovered, a unit of measurement used in the world of the infinitely small, the smallest suggestive of elementary particles, the Higgs boson. It was a success fruit of the collaboration of scientists from all over the world. CERN was founded less than 10 years after the construction of the atomic bomb and is the largest particle physics laboratory in the world.

In these months of alarm on the impact of artificial humanity, it would not be wrong to imagine a Cern of AI, founded by European countries and open to all. A place to experience the potential of algorithms in a transparent way using data infrastructures from all over the world. It was also discussed in Trento at the Festival of Economics. “Europe’s ability to create an infrastructure that can ensure data governance in terms of quality and ethics could also be an advantage for Italian companies, because it would cut costs by allowing our SMEs to exercise their ingenuity” commented Andrea Mignanelli, CEO of Cerved, focusing attention on the urgency of having more public and open data. Luigi Riva, president of Assoconsult, takes the same line: «let’s take the smart city as an example, in the absence of regulation and standardization, many cities have developed public platforms for sharing data. However, the real usability of this data remains critical. Only large companies have the technological, human and financial resources to be able to really use this multitude of raw data made public without any defined rules.

First with the Gdpr and then (hopefully soon) with the Ai Act we are moving in this direction. The new directive will regulate all forms of AI on European territory. But first you need to work well on the data. Rules for the publication and sharing of public data need to be defined at European level which are not limited to datasets but provide for an initial processing to facilitate their real usability for everyone.

«In 1903 – recalls Riva – Giolitti created municipal public utility companies for services recognized as fundamental such as the electricity service and water distribution. Today, after 120 years, it is necessary to think at a European level to create one or more public-private subjects that govern the basic services necessary for the dialogue between citizens and local institutions”.

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