Google tests Genesis, the AI ​​for journalists

Google tests Genesis, the AI ​​for journalists


The articles written by artificial intelligence. Not that similar experiments were lacking, especially in some areas such as sport and finance (easier to handle, due to a linguistic model, than an original dissertation on the latest novel by a niche author), but if moving is Google you have to take your time and think about it.

The test

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Big G would in fact be testing a new product based on artificial intelligence capable of producing news and it is proposing to newspapers such as New York Times, Washington Post and to News Corp, which publishes, inter alia, the Wall Street Journal. They are indiscretions, there is no absolute officiality, but apparently the tool – codename Genesis – would be able to gather information and produce stories. What the difference really is with current AI systems remains to be understood: journalism not only collects elements but discovers unpublished ones and somehow brings them to light. More than articles, it could be a synthesis of what is already known, drawing on the usual sea of ​​u200bu200bthe web where you can find everything and its opposite. Own what ChatGPT and the other LLMs already do.

In reality, the way the new product is presented and proposed, it seems that Genesis can function as a kind of personal assistant for journalists. As? Well, by automating some tasks and freeing up time for others. And, as Mountain View sees it, yes helping the industry defend against the dangers of generative AI rather than threatening to lose jobs by undermining the role of information for society. It will be, even if as reported by the New York Times some executives who have had the opportunity to attend the presentation of Google have referred to Genesis as “creepy”.

Meanwhile one Google spokesperson, Jenn Crideractually provided a half confirmation of indiscretion: “Together with publishers, especially the smaller ones, we are at the very first steps in exploring ideas that could eventually provide artificial intelligence-enhanced tools to help journalists in their work”. Adding that “these tools are not designed to replace the essential role that journalists have in reporting, creating and checking their stories, and they could not do it”.


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What can they do, then? For example, help with the titration of the pieces and in other matters concerning the so-called “kitchen” editorial. Shorten the editing phases by giving more time to gather information and find news. Aspects that are not lacking in the most advanced content management systems. While the newspapers mentioned declined to comment, a spokesman for News Corp explained that the group “has an excellent relationship with Google and appreciates the long-term commitment to support Sundar Pichai’s journalism”.

Put like this, in short, very little is known about it. If Genesis will be an information verification tool, which can help reporters to report inconsistencies, facts, wrong dates then it could be an excellent aid for fact checking. If used as a substitute for accurate journalistic work – not only by journalists but by anyone, which basically is not dissimilar to what can already be done with ChatGPT and other tools – it could trigger a chain of errors and undermine the credibility not only of the tool itself but of the newspapers. In addition to intoxicating the information world with parallel, alternative and ultimately false realities.


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