Zes Mezzogiorno stumbles upon the new problems of the Whirlpool case

Zes Mezzogiorno stumbles upon the new problems of the Whirlpool case


While the Meloni government receives the OK from Brussels for the establishment of a single special economic zone in the South, the relaunch of Whirlpool in Naples risks getting stuck “saved” precisely by a Zes, that of Campania. The operation was made possible by a simplified tender won by the Neapolitan entrepreneur Felice Granisso, which provides for the maintenance of the old employment levels. Various meetings were also held at the Ministry of Enterprise to find an agreement with the unions and just when everything seemed ready to close a historic dispute, a technical detail emerged that could call the operation into question. According to the Sheet, maintaining the 300 jobs is the most difficult condition to achieve not because there is a lack of resources (there is financial support from Intesa Sanpaolo) but because the Italian law allows entry into layoffs (Cig) only for company crises and Granisso’s Tea Tek obviously isn’t, otherwise nor could she present herself as a “white knight”.

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