With Musk, the sovereign wealth fund of Qatar also enters Twitter, not exactly a friend of freedom

With Musk, the sovereign wealth fund of Qatar also enters Twitter, not exactly a friend of freedom


The new ownership raises many libertarian expectations. But in the consortium of the patron of Tesla and Space X, in addition to the Saudi prince Alwaleed, there are also the 375 million dollars of Qatar Holdings, the subsidiary of the emirate’s sovereign fund

“The bird is free”, tweeted Elon Musk at the announcement of the acquisition, after months of diatribes, of the social network that chirps. There are so many libertarian expectations that the new property raises on Twitter. But in the consortium of the patron of Tesla and Space X, in addition to Prince Alwaleed of Saudi Arabia, there are also the 375 million dollars of Qatar Holdings, the subsidiary of the sovereign fund of Qatar, a country that is certainly not known for appreciating the freedom of word (in 2022 it beat a lot of cash following the war in Ukraine). It remains to be seen what influence Musk’s new Islamic equity partners will be able to exert on the platform.

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