Viral portraits of people on Instagram are generated by artificial intelligence

Viral portraits of people on Instagram are generated by artificial intelligence


Jos Avery has over 30,000 followers on Instagram and his portraits of people have had great success going viral. Too bad the images posted on the app are not of real individuals. But fake photos created by the Midjourney artificial intelligence program.

Since it first started posting in October 2022, the black-and-white figures produced by the AI ​​software have quickly skyrocketed the number of followers of the Instagram account, @averyseasonart. Yet, the users who have begun to follow him and appreciate what he has posted on Instagram have not realized that they are dealing with content generated by an algorithm. Until it was Jos Avery himself, a photographer from the United States, who confessed that the images were not portraits of real people but the work of the Midjourney system.

A photo taken with Midjourney, an AI image synthesis model

However, not all followers felt deceived and reacted negatively to this revelation. Many continued to follow the account commenting positively on the photos. Also because the works are partly the result of the work of the photographer. Avery, in fact, is keen to point out that the images in order to appear realistic and mistaken for the faces of real individuals need his photo editing skills. To create the portraits, the photographer initially uses Midjourney but then selects the best artificial intelligence contents and intervenes with Photoshop or Adobe Lightroom to produce the final result that brings the fake closer to reality in an even more surprising way, making it very difficult to distinguish it from part of the users.

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Even when it comes to written texts, however, it is not easy to be able to attribute the paternity of creation to the machine, as demonstrated by the case of ChatGPT. Due to advances in so-called generative AI in mimicking human language and expression this task has become almost prohibitive. Not being able to identify what is produced by AI systems carries risks of fraud and disinformation as evidenced by a study by CSET, developed in collaboration with the Stanford Internet Observatory, and OpenAI, the start-up behind ChatGPT. Whose research team, aware of the problem, has made available Classifier, a tool designed to unmask the contents generated by the algorithms, but unfortunately proved to be ineffective and unreliable.

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Returning to Jos Avery, to prevent followers from getting confused, having assigned names to his portraits, he added a term at the bottom of the stories, accompanying the individual photos, which explains their pure invention. It may seem paradoxical but the original intention of his initiative was to demonstrate how easy it is to deceive users with AI software and denounce the manipulations of the technology in an article. His point of view has changed, however. The initial skepticism has been overcome. Because it is with artificial intelligence that he has won the favor of the public and is able to express his art of him.

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