There is a pro Meloni conspiracy. Opponents and allies argue and favor the premier

There is a pro Meloni conspiracy.  Opponents and allies argue and favor the premier


“I thought there might be a conspiracy to make the Movimento 5 stelle win in Rome”. The famous expression used years ago by the former Grillina parliamentarian Paola Taverna to summarize the state of health of the opponents of the 5-star movement in the capital – it is certain: there is a gombloddo! – could easily be used today to summarize the state of health of the opponents of the party led by Giorgia Meloni. Look at the 5 Star Movement, look at the Democratic Party, look at the Third Pol(l)o, look at the League, look at Forza Italia, look at the newspapers that most strongly oppose the Prime Minister and the impression one gets from the context just described is that at the end of the game all the subjects in question are united by a single great and involuntary desire: desperately looking for a way not to make Giorgia Meloni’s party look bad. Take the case of Pd, to say, that within a few months he managed to (a) give the right agenda of duties, (b) to give the premier the battle without ifs and buts in defense of Ukraine, (c ) to give the party to a leader who is a member of the Democratic Party almost by chance, (d) to put the Democratic Party in the hands of a secretariat made up mainly of non-members of the Democratic Party, (e) to give the impression of being a party aligned against the reformist projects of its own mayors, (f) to give the impression of being ready to fight vigorously only on the issues of the Zan agenda and (g) to show such a timid interest in reformist issues as to have given the opportunity to the M5s to appear more interested than the Democratic Party in offering support to the government to advance the agenda on the Pnrr. Take a breath for a moment and then consider the case of the Third Poleobviously, that not being able to find fertile ground to embarrass the Meloni government has chosen with dubious intelligence to follow a line of controversies that are no less spectacular but hardly constructive, such as those fielded in recent days with insults by Matteo Renzi and Carlo Calenda.

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