The Twitter stampede in Mastodon has little chance of success

The Twitter stampede in Mastodon has little chance of success


Many, about 50 thousand in the last few days alone, have decided to move to the social network created by the German Eugen Rochko. But this platform works too complex for the average user and seems to appeal to a small, politicized and highly computer literate audience. That can’t work

It’s been a busy weekend for Twitter and its new boss Elon Musk. First the news of the heavy staff cuts created bewilderment and organizational chaos, then the expected launch of the new account verification system (at just under eight dollars a month) was half a disaster, so much so that it pushed the company to recall dozens of newly laid-off employees. Meanwhile, between one stumbling block and another, a name made its way into the conversations of many disappointed users. The name of a competing service, the best alternative: Mastodon.

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