The sensationally flawless hundred days of Minister Salvini

The sensationally flawless hundred days of Minister Salvini


Immersed in construction sites, far from controversy, fighting against the culture of no: it is the good bulldozer of the government humarèll

We’ve told them about everything, we know it. We roughed him up. We mistreated him. We called it Grim. We called him incompetent. We considered it dangerous. We have associated it with the worst xenophobic instincts that exist in Europe. We teased him for his unique ability to always say the wrong thing at the right time. And we have often considered him as a politician more comfortable in his underwear at Papeete than in a tie in a ministry. But in politics sometimes things can change. And so, about a hundred days into the government, we need to recognize what we never thought we’d write on the pages of this newspaper. And that is that, at least until today, the most disciplined and most pragmatic minister of the Meloni government is undoubtedly a minister whose profile often appears to be at the antipodes of the categories listed above.

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