Meloni redesigns the secret services at home. Continuity with Dragons. It’s high tension in the government

Meloni redesigns the secret services at home.  Continuity with Dragons.  It's high tension in the government


The heads of intelligence all remain, despite the change of government. But the removal of the two deputy directors of Aise confirms a method and a strategy. The method is that of the quadrilateral: the premier, her sister, Lollobrigida and Fazzolari. And all the others consulted but then kept in the dark. The strategy is that of “quieta non movere”: and at Palazzo Chigi Cingolani is thought of as CEO of Leonardo

She listened to everyone and decided on her own. As is her style, sure. And who knows then whether to annoy the many others, audited and then ignored, questioned and then confronted with a fait accompli, is that this time the matter was more delicate than usual or that more simply than usual, Giorgia Meloni had given the impression of wanting to involve, to let oneself be suggested. For weeks she went around with her diary: she consulted with government allies and insiders, and took notes. Collegiality, finally? Not at all. So, even on the secret services, it was the Meloni house party that won. And the worst thing is that, for an executive that claims the primacy of politics, that preaches the virtues of the spoils system, the guiding star has once again been continuity.

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