The Sechi affair: the appointment of Meloni’s spokesman is now a comic opera

The Sechi affair: the appointment of Meloni's spokesman is now a comic opera


The premier summons him to Palazzo Chigi, but the party still doesn’t want him, Salvini can’t stand him because he wants to count on Eni. It is not clear to the government whether he will be appointed or not. Sounds like a story by Perec. The chronicle of a crazy day

Rome. They did everything themselves: they looked for each other, they broke up, they haven’t (yet) taken each other. Nobody confirms, nobody denies that Mario Sechi is or is not the new spokesperson for Giorgia Meloni. How can honest communication be made if the premier does not communicate what she intends to do? Sechi doesn’t answer the phone, the government is silent. This news cannot be verified: the appointment of Sechi, yesterday morning, was given up at Palazzo Chigi for skipped.

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