Meloni’s trouble with the United States concerns five delicate dossiers

Meloni's trouble with the United States concerns five delicate dossiers


Consortiums boycotted (Ita and Priolo), investments at risk (Intel and Tim), Chinese shadows on delicate matches (Electrolux). Because American diplomacy regards the economic maneuvers of the Atlanticist premier with suspicion

It is difficult to identify today an element of real vulnerability in the Melonian leadership and at this moment the Prime Minister seems to have, as they say, the stars perfectly aligned. The markets are studying it, but for now they don’t fear it. The Commission scrutinizes you, but for now you trust them. His foreign policy creates apprehension, but so far it has also been flawless on Ukraine. Allies tease her, but the effect is similar to tickling. The opponents provoke it, but the competition in the opposition is such that there is no room for competition with the majority.

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