The endless funeral of Costanzo and the Pd primaries: the Italian crowd splits into two

The endless funeral of Costanzo and the Pd primaries: the Italian crowd splits into two


At the tenth message from perplexed friends (“but you who live in Rome, can you explain to me what is happening with this colossal funeral?”) one can easily say that funerals have been a sort of Roman speciality, of excellent format, it began with Alberto Sordi (who died in 2003 ago on the same day as Maurizio Costanzo) and then went on, Carlo Vanzina, Gigi Proietti, Raffaella Carrà (ignoring the Popes), increasingly sumptuous rituals and participatory, ever longer format, the only rites to which the city reserves recollection and organization, rites in which the traffic policemen have a role and dignity.

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