The revenge of Giulio Gallera, he was the first of the unelected but enters the Regional Council: “Compensation for these years”

The revenge of Giulio Gallera, he was the first of the unelected but enters the Regional Council: "Compensation for these years"


He waited his turn, regardless of the comments of those who thought he was stuck. And now, with Fontana having an encore done, he can celebrate. Julius Gallerathe former Lombard Councilor for Welfare – replaced amidst the controversy in the full Covid emergency with Letizia Moratti – was the first of Forza Italia’s unelected at the Regionals on 12 and 13 February: but now, with the entry of Gianluca Comazzi automatically rejoins the Council.

“Compensation? Yes, a sign from my party that it has appreciated the work I’ve done over the years, even in very tough times, and that has shown that it is close to me”, comments Gallera. “I am satisfied that I can continue to make my contribution to the Lombardy Region after so many years – added Gallera speaking with Ansa – and I am happy with the phone call Attilio Fontana made to me this morning, happy that I was returning to the Council, and for that of yesterday evening of President Berlusconi. A closeness at a time when we are under attack “, he says referring to the investigation by the Bergamo prosecutor in which he is being investigated with Fontana.

Patrizia Baffi defined as an ‘exhibitionist milf’ by the former Lombard Welfare councilor Gallera: “I’m appalled, it was the beginning of the pandemic, my duty to ask for information”

by Paolo Berizzi

In short, “I thank my party and the Lombard coordinator Licia Ronzulli who created the conditions – he concluded – Fi was determined to keep me and make my experience available. I wish Comazzi, councilor Simona Tironi and the undersecretary Ruggero Invernizzi. We will give our contribution in an important legislature”. And it is Ronzulli himself who celebrates: “I am happy for all those who return to the Council, but if I can I am happy and satisfied for Gallera, because what he is receiving is absurd. Gallera deserves it, he had taken a step back earlier so I am satisfied”.

Regionals, Gallera the councilor for the Covid emergency: “We are rewarded for pandemic management”. But stay out


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