The Pnrr is the obsession that is missing from the Pd. Schlein’s step is not enough

The Pnrr is the obsession that is missing from the Pd.  Schlein's step is not enough


It is difficult to find a logical thread in the positions of the secretary in this matter, which is neglected in favor of other issues perhaps considered more capable of soliciting protest initiatives. But on Europe and the funds, the dem have a prairie

Enzo Amendola, who was minister for European affairs in the second government of Giuseppe Conte and undersecretary in that of Mario Draghi, in an interview with La Stampa criticizes in a precise and constructive way the uncertainties he attributes to the current government on implementation and corrections requests to the Pnrr. He acknowledges his successor Raffaele Fitto’s commitment and good will, but thinks he is “badly accompanied”. His criticism focuses on the absence of clear objectives: “I don’t see a piece of paper, a technical sheet, nothing. Just talk,” he says disconsolately.

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