Former Pd minister Delrio in favor of dialogue with Giorgetti on taxation and the family

Former Pd minister Delrio in favor of dialogue with Giorgetti on taxation and the family


“The minister should translate the dossier we are talking about into something concrete in the direction of a more family-friendly tax system. In that case he would definitely have me by his side,” says the dem senator.

The demographic winter, the data on the birth rate which are worrying in perspective (less than 7 newborns and more than 12 deaths per thousand inhabitants, according to Istat data) and the centre-right government which, said Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni on the sidelines of the Salone del Mobile of Milan, would like to reverse the trend, given that the issue concerns the “sustainability of our economic and social system” (see the item GDP). But how can this priority be declined?

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