The square in Rome against the incinerator, between changes of location and Virginia Raggi

The square in Rome against the incinerator, between changes of location and Virginia Raggi


The scene is taken by the former mayor of Rome, even without a bass drum. While the harsh words from Conte before Schlein’s press conference have the effect of compacting the Democratic Party: however, few are betting on the end of the internal debate

It was supposed to be the day when the Five Stars, Legambiente, Avs, and other environmental groups took to the streets to say “no to the incinerator of Rome and yes to the circular economy, health and the environment”. It was supposed to be the day of the Giuseppe Conte-Elly Schlein remote tug of war with the mayor Roberto Gualtieri and the waste-to-energy plant project in the middle. The fact is that Conte’s harsh words, raining down on Schlein’s first press conference, have the effect of compacting the Democratic Party. “The waste-to-energy plant in Rome? Choice already made, let’s vote no to the M5s agenda ”, said the new Pd secretary, while a little mystery was being created around the square. In fact, it was learned at a certain point, the demonstration was no longer scheduled for 5 pm in the Campidoglio, but for 3 pm in Piazza Madonna di Loreto, perhaps due to the simultaneous presence of the team of Expo inspectors. Some of the protesters doubted.

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