The measure on non self-sufficient elderly people passes, but no party claims it

The measure on non self-sufficient elderly people passes, but no party claims it


Parliament approved the enabling law. The reform is neither controversial nor divisive, therefore it was not at the center of the political-media confrontation and the electoral campaign. Yet it is an important measure that has been awaited for years

The parliament approved the enabling law on assistance to non self-sufficient elderly people, following up on a legislative process that began in October last year on a proposal from the Draghi government and carried forward by the Meloni government somewhat in general disinterest. The lack of attention is probably due to the fact that the reform has had broad consensus and no contestation, but it is an important provision that implements one of the reforms envisaged by the Pnrr and which will have a significant social impact. For Italy, in fact, it is the first reform of a sector that has been waiting for an intervention of this type since the end of the 90s, when it began to be discussed in a technical and political forum. In the last thirty years there have been important interventions in all the main European countries: Austria (in 1992), Germany (1995), France (2002), Spain (2006); with the aim of structurally modifying the welfare systems to put them in a position to cope with an ever-increasing number of non self-sufficient elderly people.

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