Meloni to the rescue of friends from Spain and Poland, hoping for the EU to turn right

Meloni to the rescue of friends from Spain and Poland, hoping for the EU to turn right


Vox wants her on stage for the Spanish electoral campaign. The Polish PiS is hoping for his intervention to release European funds. The premier is betting everything on the alliance between the Popular and the Conservatives in 2024, but there are big risks. The numbers in the balance. Weber’s fears

Everyone is looking for it. And she likes that everyone is looking for her. And she understands it. Vox’s friends have already sent her a request: “You absolutely must give us a hand in the electoral campaign”. The Polish brothers of PiS, also grappling with the polls, are grateful to her for the promise received, that in short, she will be the one to put in a good word to obtain the release of the Recovery funds. But it’s not just vanity. If Giorgia Meloni, embarking on her journey to Brussels for today’s and tomorrow’s European Council, is convinced that she can play a decisive role, now and in the coming months, for the cause of her Conservative allies, it is because she really believes in it, she is forced to believe it, in his plan to overturn the European balance in 2024 and give life to the agreement between the EPP and the ECR. Perhaps she even believes it too much, if it is true that Manfred Weber, the group leader of the Popolari group who is also convinced of the goodness of the project, also advised her to be cautious, because one must be cautious.

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