David Rossi, why another commission of inquiry? The yellow of the colonel fleeing to Hammamet-Corriere.it

David Rossi, why another commission of inquiry?  The yellow of the colonel fleeing to Hammamet-Corriere.it


Of Claudio Bozza

10 years after the death of the MPS manager, Parliament launches a new commission, after that of the last legislature. The political variables and Meloni’s thrust. Meanwhile, the carabiniere who accuses the prosecutors cannot be questioned: in Tunisia

The Chamber has unanimously approved the establishment of a new commission of inquiry
to shed light on the death of David Rossi, the communication manager of Monte dei Paschi di Siena that on March 6, 2013 in which David Rossi lost his life by falling from his office window on the third floor of Rocca Salimbeni. Ten years in which judicial investigations piled up – two years later who have come to the conclusion that it was a suicide -, technical consultancy and reconstructions of all kinds which however were not sufficient to silence doubts and above all the hypothesis of the murderous conspiracy.

Last September, after 14 months of fiery hearings of the protagonists of the period in which the oldest bank in the world collapsed,
a previous parliamentary commission of inquiry, strongly promoted by the Brothers of Italy, ended with a report approved with difficulty, also because the Democratic Party decided not to participate in the vote. The summary: almost all the elements collected lead to Rossi’s suicide, but with some doubts. The tug of war (also political) for the search for the truth did not stop even after the evidence of the maxi expertise of the Ris carabinieri, who, at the request of the commission itself, simulated the fall from the window with latest generation tools capable of perfectly recreate the conditions of that night: darkness and rain included. The conclusions of the police report dismantled the doubts of Rossi’s family.
And Commander Schiavone said: Rossi pushed by third parties? Not compatible with movie shooting.


But then why, even in the face of this evidence, has Parliament launched another commission of inquiry? The green light arrived unanimously, but with closed notebooks more than one of the 20 members who are part of it confesses that political variables are smoldering under the ashes. During the previous parliamentary investigation, Rossi’s thriller returned to the limelight every day, also becoming a terrain of political confrontation and with a strong media echo.
Both from the right and from the left, for different reasons, nobody missed the opportunity to intervene. On the one hand, the attacks against the robes and against the management of the bank, which was historically linked to the left, have multiplied; on the other hand there are those, like Matteo Renzi, who have repeatedly pointed the finger at Antonino Nastasi, one of the magistrates who accuse him of illegally financing parties in the investigation into the Open Foundation. The prosecutor is the same one who conducted the investigation into the collapse of MPS and followed the investigation into Rossi’s death.

Heavy accusations against the investigating magistrates were raised precisely during the dozens of hearings of the previous commission. It was not a second-rate figure who launched them, but Colonel Pasquale Aglieco, at the time provincial commander of the Siena carabinieri, who during the hearing denounced: Prosecutor Nastasi answered the MPS manager’s cell phone after his death. Statements that unleashed a storm and prompted other prosecutors (those of Genoa, competent to investigate colleagues in Florence) to open a third judicial inquiry. The investigation to ascertain the pollution of the scene of a hypothetical crime ended with a request for dismissal.
And the magistrates dedicate a paragraph to Aglieco, under investigation for perjury. Another mystery: the colonel in fact moved to Hammamet and for this reason it was not possible to interrogate him.

We were talking about political variables. During the last episode of HyenasCarolina Orlandi, daughter of Antonella Tognazzi (wife of David Rossi), launched a bipartisan appeal to Giorgia Meloni and Elly Schlein: We have the right to a serious investigation, asking both not to turn off the spotlight on a story that, yes, ours, but also of the whole country. From the premier, the opening was maximum: I thank Hyenas for having kept the attention high on the case of the death of David Rossi – he wrote on social networks -. The hope that full light can be shed on the matter, for David and his family. No direct intervention from the leader of the Democratic Party. The Dems have voted the go-ahead for the new commission, but skepticism and an imprint of strong caution remain. A line, the latter, which can be read clearly in the words of the deputy of the Democratic Party Andrea Rossi: We must seek the truth, not a truth – the member of the parliamentary commission told the Chamber -. This is a distinction. The invaluable work of professionals, of law enforcement, however, has begun to make irrefutable statements clear.

March 23, 2023 (change March 23, 2023 | 07:57)


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