the government’s strategy for the truce in Europe-

the government's strategy for the truce in Europe-


from Fiorenza Sarzanini

After the accusations of “inhumane behavior” against our country, we try to mend the rift. Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani will reiterate in Brussels on Monday the need for everyone to do their part

Rome- Lower the tones and focus attention on the numbers. This is the government’s change of strategy after the very hard confrontation with France for the disembarkation of migrants from NGO ships. A line that the head of the Farnesina Antonio Tajani will reiterate on Monday at the Council of Foreign Affairs in Brussels, underlining the need for “everyone does their part“. And the Interior Ministry makes its own with the relaxing signal of Minister Matteo Piantedosi to his colleague Gérald Darmanin: “The strengthening of controls at the Italian-French border to limit secondary movements from Italy to France, announced in these hours, would take place on a scenario that already takes advantage of the consolidated experience of mixed patrols, to which the police also contribute, which has given excellent results in contrasting the illegal passage of migrants between the two countries and to which we intend to continue to make our contribution ».

After the heavy accusations of “inhuman behavior” against our country, we try to mend the rift.

The risk of isolation

The triumphant declarations of the last few days from various exponents of Lega and Forza Italia after the decision of the Ocean Viking to head for France, had had the effect of unleashing the furious reaction of Paris. With the all too evident risk of compacting the international front and causing an isolation in which our country could find itself in Europe not only on migrants, but also on the other dossiers that will have to be examined, first of all the economic one. A risk that Palazzo Chigi knows it cannot take. That is why Tajani will bring the numbers of the Ministry of the Interior to Brussels that photograph the real situation. And he will reiterate how the agreements that France threatens to tear up in reality they have never been respected by EU members.

The 561 relocated

In the last four years, of the 203,309 migrants arriving in our country, 26,327 were on board NGO ships. During 2022 there were 90,297 arrivals, of which 10,980 through non-governmental organizations. In 2021 there were 9,933 compared to 67,477 landed, the same average in 2019 with 1,998 taken by NGOs compared to the total 11,471. Well, the pact signed in Malta on 23 September 2019 between the European partners for the relocation of foreigners has led to the transfer outside our borders of just 1,273 people. Among them, 561 went to France, 396 to Germany, 132 to Portugal, 73 to Ireland, 32 to Spain. It is true that the Afghan and Ukrainian crises have forced many states to provide for other needs, but it is also true that it is precisely the numbers that demonstrate how the collaboration promised many times has never actually arrived. So much so that in recent days the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella and Pope Francis have felt they must make a heartfelt appeal to the EU “so that shared choices are made and there is solidarity”. The Berlin note that reiterates its intention to “continue to do our part until Italy guarantees reception” seems to go in this direction, albeit with very specific conditions. After all the issue of welcoming migrants has always divided EU statesdespite the good intentions manifested after the shipwrecks and tragedies with hundreds of deaths that have marked the last ten years.

The “first entry”

During the extraordinary meeting of the interior ministers in Brussels Piantedosi will reiterate that “for NGOs we must find a unified solution to strengthen management and solidarity mechanisms thus avoiding that all the weight of the growing migratory flows by sea can fall exclusively on the countries of first entry ». The revision of the Dublin Treaty, attempted for years but always unsuccessful, could come back on the table. Last Tuesday to those who asked him if he was satisfied with the Ocean Viking sailing towards France, Piantedosi replied: «I am neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. He was anxious to affirm the juridical principle that we have raised in Europe ». And now he reiterates: “In that case, the position of the Interior Ministry and of the whole government was always that of making the flag countries responsible and it was never stated that the ship should dock in French ports or in other European countries other than the one it belongs to. of the ship “. Another sign for peace.

November 12, 2022 (change November 12, 2022 | 07:20)


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