Necessary ally, inevitable enemy. The secrets of the Macron / Meloni challenge

Necessary ally, inevitable enemy.  The secrets of the Macron / Meloni challenge


A necessary ally, an inevitable enemy. In the world of chemistry, litmus paper is a type of absorbent paper processed in such a way as to be used to identify whether a solution it comes into contact with is acidic or basic. If contact with the reagent generates a red color, the solution is acidic. If contact with the reagent generates a blue color, the solution is basic. In the world of Italian politics, and above all in the world of the center-right, the perfect litmus test with which to identify, with simplicity, the main problems with which the sovereign majority will have to deal in the coming months is one and coincides with the colors blue, white and red of the French flag. Yesterday morning at a press conference, Giorgia Meloni returned to the serious diplomatic crisis that opened on Thursday afternoon between France and Italy on the dossier linked to immigration.

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