Count Marx is born: a mirage of the left is staged at the Auditorium with Bettini

Count Marx is born: a mirage of the left is staged at the Auditorium with Bettini


His French existentialist sweater is not a knight’s uniform, but a shiny hollow armor. The blunder of the 5-star leader as the one who will bring back the revolutionary socialism may not convince even him

Giuseppe Conte arrives at the Auditorium, in the Roman stronghold of veltronism and friccichi de luna, and does so “disguised” as a French existentialist, as Camilla Cederna would have said. No shirt, no tie, no four-pointed clutch. Abandoned the symbols of the bourgeoisie, the head of the government who approved Matteo Salvini’s security decrees wears one of those dark turtleneck sweaters that Jean-Paul Sartre would have liked. In a flash you understand that this evening, for him, everything must correspond precisely to the singular idea that the former people’s advocate has of being on the left.

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