The ghost of the Salvini decrees. Conte is in trouble on immigration

The ghost of the Salvini decrees.  Conte is in trouble on immigration


Pd, Third Pole, +Europe and Avs have a common proposal to counter the government policies presented two days ago in Cutro. The M5s hesitates and prepares its own

No one forgets that photo. Giuseppe Conte smiles next to one of his deputies. Both are holding a sheet of paper that reads “Decreto Salvini”. “It is a stigma that unfortunately we still carry with usbut unjustly, we made a mea culpa and we repealed those decrees”, says today Vittoria Baldino, vice president of the Movement in Montecitorio with a hint of frustration. And yet, there is little to do, on immigration the M5s tries to oppose, but struggles. “I am embarrassed”, says an authoritative deputy of the Democratic Party: “It is inevitable, on certain issues it is difficult to turn around”. And on the other hand, if the dem try to offer an approach radically opposite to that of the right to immigration, the M5s dreams of a middle way, or rather, an ambiguous way. Just scroll through Giuseppe Conte’s statements to understand it. “Meloni wanted to carry out a naval blockade and instead the only certainty is that the landings are increasing”, he said two days ago. Words that are unexpectedly paired with what Salvini said during the press conference in Cutro. “In 2019 there was the lowest number of deaths at sea: coincidences in politics do not exist”. Did they both claim credit for it?

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