Salvini takes advantage of Meloni’s crisis to celebrate 2019 of “closed ports”, which however was a disaster

Salvini takes advantage of Meloni's crisis to celebrate 2019 of "closed ports", which however was a disaster


Minniti’s Wasted Inheritance. The insane suppression of Mission Sophia. The absurd suspension of compulsory redistribution. Hands tied to the Coast Guard. The season of trucism at the Viminale has produced serious trouble. Only a premier in trouble can make the Northern League leader claim it

Who was to tell her that it would end in triumph? The most troubled week in his relations with Giorgia Meloni ended with the boldness of one who holds back a pleased grin, so as not to let the enjoyment of seeing the other, “the good one”, floundering between amnesias and neuroses. And in short, Matteo è Salvini managed to claim even the results of 2019, “my year at the Viminale”: as if that weren’t, in reality, the year that worsened the policies for managing migrants in Italy. The order is to avoid any controversy, reject any apparent flattery. “A media victory for Salvini? Not at all ”, the hands of him put their hands forward. “Matteo limited himself to remembering the data”.

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