Surprise party for Salvini’s 50th birthday: Meloni and Berlusconi were also at the party

Surprise party for Salvini's 50th birthday: Meloni and Berlusconi were also at the party


Between protests, throwing stuffed animals and tussle with journalists during the press conference of the Council of Ministers in Cutro, there was very little to celebrate yesterday. But today the candles were not missed. The premier Giorgia Meloni and the president of Forza Italia Silvio Berlusconi they attended the birthday party of the minister and ally Matthew Salvini, who turned 50 yesterday.

On Instagram Berlusconi posted a photo together with the birthday boy and the Prime Minister. And the inscription: “Happy birthday Matteo Salvini”.

A surprise evening party in Lombardy, which was also attended by several Northern League ministers, including Giancarlo Giorgetti, Giuseppe Valditara And Robert Calderoliin addition to the Speaker of the Chamber, Lorenzo Fontana.

To accompany the premier, the comrade Andrew Giambruno, while alongside the Forza Italia leader was his ‘almost wife’, the blue deputy Martha Fascina.


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