The future is a business. Questions to the government for a Macron-style “Choose Italy”.

The future is a business.  Questions to the government for a Macron-style "Choose Italy".


What if it were “Choose Italy?”. The idea of ​​a large conference, with Prime Minister Meloni at the center of the hall, surrounded by hundreds of entrepreneurs, to give a boost to Italy’s GDP, peeks out in the rooms of Palazzo Chigi. It is not a joke: a government determined to attract investors must know how to “sell” its country. Enhance its strengths, and reassure what still does not work. The format, as is known, was inaugurated by President Macron in Versailles, and some Italian entrepreneurs took part in it. Among them, there is Riccardo Illy which twice participated in the “Choose France”. “I feel particularly attached to France, a country I know very well, where I have worked and invested – Illy, president of Polo del Gusto, the sub-holding of the Illy Group, as well as honorary consul of the République in Trieste, tells Il Foglio – a way of often confronting myself not only with the transalpine economic world but also with its institutions, local administrations, civil courts. My direct experience is also linked to the management of a company, Dammann Frères, which has been part of the Illy group since 2007. In recent years I have always had the opportunity to appreciate the speed and fairness with which the public administration and justice operate in France towards companies”.

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