Schlein stops his followers: “No controversy over the floods in Emilia-Romagna”

Schlein stops his followers: "No controversy over the floods in Emilia-Romagna"


Tested by reality, rain, collapsing roads, dead and displaced people, Elly Schlein swings. But then he chooses the line of responsibility. In these days there are those from the right who have attacked it forcefully. They say that the Emilia-Romagna Region, of which the secretary was vice president, has not spent the funds allocated by the state against hydrogeological instability. Libero, the newspaper that the dem perhaps least like, headlines: “The Pd model under water. Funds unused.” “All falsehoods”, mutter the parliamentarians who are closest to the secretary. But they have to do it quietly. Press releases ripped up, poisonous statements choked down the throat. To the secretariat meeting urgently at eight in the morning, after the situation was explained by the Emilians Igor Taruffi and Davide Baruffi, Schlein dictated this line: no controversy, no out of place statements, now we need to cooperate with the government on the emergency. Concept reiterated a little later during the meetings with the parliamentary groups. “The government issues an urgent decree as soon as possible, we will support it”, reads the official note dem.

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