The faults of the parents and those of Fortnite

The faults of the parents and those of Fortnite


Three sets of parents from Canada, in the State of Quebec, they sued a Fortnite for the damage that the video game would have caused to their children: a toxic addiction like a drug, they argue. Or like tobacco. The judge deemed the appeal not unfounded and in any case worthy of further investigation. There will be a trial.

Right, we need to dig deeper the mistakes we parents make with our children compared to the use of digital. The fact that we delegate to an iPad when they are already very small, and then to a video game and finally to a smartphone, the task of occupying and entertaining them while we do other things. The fact that we do not pay attention to the 13-year limit on the use of these tools and also our ignorance of the numerous tools with which we can limit and control what they do when they are online: which sites they visit, how long they can use them and finally which actions are completely inhibited, such as online purchases.

One of the Canadian parents complains that their son plays a Fortnite for 10 hours a day for two yearsbut I ask myself: is it the fault of Fortnite? Where is he or she staying? Why didn’t they agree on daily limits with their son? Why don’t they talk to him? Why don’t they play with him? Why don’t they build alternatives together? More things to do.

A judge could conclude the Canadian case with a conviction, but to the parents, for child abandonment in front of a screen. Let’s be clear: gambling addiction is already serious in adults; for children it is even more so if the parental barrier is broken. But if we parents forget our roleit’s not the fault of Fortnite.


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