The fatal wrath of Casellati. Meloni shades her. Still running away from her

The fatal wrath of Casellati.  Meloni shades her.  Still running away from her


Achilles, you were a softy. This is the fatal wrath of Betty Casellati, the minister of the “hairy reforms”. On Monday, May 8, something happens which, if Homer had known about it, would have been a masterpiece, but here, unfortunately, only boredom: “Again, Casellati? Ugh”. She doesn’t give up. You write it. Giorgia Meloni has fallen in love with institutional reforms. Presidentialism, semi, French, German. Let’s experiment. But the reforms are by Betty Casellati. If you take away the reforms, what does Betty have left? No, no, it’s really a new episode and there are new leaks. The private secretary of the minister, Anna Claudia Servillo, preferred to give up the allowance and return to her previous job. Alessandrina Tudino, who is head of the legislative branch, dreams at night of leaving Ilium like the brave Aeneas (but here we pass to the Aeneid).

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