Ten tech gadgets for an all-round well-being Christmas

Ten tech gadgets for an all-round well-being Christmas


If there’s one thing that recent years have decreed, it’s that it wasn’t any better when it was worse. Well-being is no longer an expendable matter: everyone pursues it by negotiating spaces of health, mental or physical (if you want to understand them separately) with your daily life. Technology facilitates this negotiation by offering devices or applications that bring that well-being ever closer. Even into the bed, sometimes. As in the case of SmartGoggles, the wearable device – it is a tech mask for the eyes – whose biometric sensor adjusts the treatments to promote relaxation. Not wearable, but customizable, is the app “MyNoise”, whose free version offers a decent range of sounds to choose from to aid sleep and relaxation, as well as cover up annoying noises in favor of white ones.

According to Samsung’s Trend Radar report, presented last October as part of the Welliving project, the tracking of night rest hours using apps on smartwatches is a practice dear to one in five Millennials and connected watches represent the most related to health monitoring. Apple Watch Ultra, Samsung Galaxy Watch5 Pro and the Garmin Vivomove HR Premium combine an increasingly vast range of biometric measurements loved above all by sportsmen (including extreme sports). For a direct focus on blood pressure, there is the Aktiia bracelet, the result of research and development work against hypertension.

Space for childhood: speaking of tracking physical activity, for the little ones there is Fitbit Ace 3, which makes movement a game, which can also be played with their parents. The bracelet also monitors sleep, as does Owlet’s Dream Sock, spotted on New York shelves this summer: the “smart sock” has versions ranging from 0 to 18 months, as well as up to 5 years ($300).
Well-being is therefore a holistic concept, which embraces the sustainability of fashion – see the Ecoalfs by Abantos, a company that has been dealing with this for years –, as well as home automation and anti-food waste apps (those who cannot have a fridge hi -tech will appreciate the recent app TT- No Waste, for food and medication expirations).
Holistically then, del well-being is also part of sexuality, with related sex toys, a tech experimentation ground: Lelo has introduced sonic waves (see F1S V2 and Sila). It is not surprising that MySecretCase has dedicated a sui generis Christmas calendar to sex games: that of Ah…I’m coming.


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