Schlein’s ambiguity about Ukraine is wrong and self-defeating

Schlein's ambiguity about Ukraine is wrong and self-defeating


The secretary’s ambiguous strategy on military support for Kyiv has no outlet, because she will not be able to deviate from Mattarella and the PSE. In the end, the Democratic Party loses credibility and the “pacifist” voter will still prefer to vote for Conte’s M5s

“I don’t subscribe to the Democratic Party,” he told Repubblica Paul Ciani, new vice president of the deputies of the Pd. “I don’t believe in military victory, that is arming Ukraine so that it can win – he added -. After a year and a half of war the party can evolve into new positions”. The problem is obviously not the opinions of Ciani, exponent of Demos and of Community of Sant’Egidiobut the fact that Elly Schlein chose him – the only one among the parliamentarians elected with the Democratic Party to vote against military aid to Kyiv – to coordinate the parliamentary group. Especially after the botched vote in the European Parliament on Asap regulation for the production of ammunition on which the Democratic Party has split between those in favour, abstentions and against, also because the secretariat has not given any indications.

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