Autonomy and flat tax, the League against Meloni: “The system is with her to hinder us”

Autonomy and flat tax, the League against Meloni: "The system is with her to hinder us"


It can be explained with a pun. Brothers of Italy defends the autonomy of the Senate study center, which has struck down the differentiated autonomy, to tell the League that the bill must be changed. It is no coincidence that Tommaso Foti, Melon’s group leader in Montecitorio, takes it upon himself to state the obvious which is also a warning to the allies: “The dossiers of the Parliament offices inform, then the laws are made by the Chambers”. All clear, right? Now, the Northern League who know a lot have immediately subdorato stink of burning. Just follow the smiling Massimiliano Romeo, group leader of the Carroccio, to the Senate restaurant.

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