Schlein or no Schlein? The dilemma that makes Franceschini’s area two-faced

Schlein or no Schlein?  The dilemma that makes Franceschini's area two-faced


In the rooms of the Nazarene they wonder which candidate will support the former Minister of Culture. “We must go over the history of the Democratic Party, to understand what the Franciscans think they are doing”, says a dem deputy

The congress of the Pd is approaching without too many certainties (starting from the names of the official candidates), but the doubts, at the moment, invest in particular a great classic of the difficult phases and of change (especially if obtorto collo) in the party, especially after an electoral defeat: “What will Dario Franceschini do?” is in fact the question that cyclically arises in the rooms of the Nazarene when trying to understand and predict moves and countermoves of this and that current – and this time despite Stefano Bonaccini, a candidate who has officially taken the field (in addition to the candidate Paola De Micheli who has already been in the running for some time), has tried to immediately remove any possible connection with the same, seen even as a bubonic plague, in words, even by all possible candidates but not yet taken to the field.

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