Herr Giorgetti looks for banks in Berlin: turn on the Mes, then Ita and Orbán

Herr Giorgetti looks for banks in Berlin: turn on the Mes, then Ita and Orbán


The pro-German Luxembourger Gramegna is the chairman of the State-saving Fund, with the decisive support of Italy, with the objective of favoring the ratification of the treaty. Message to the Italian sovereignists. On the former Alitalia, the Mef prefers negotiations with Lufthansa. And on the sanctions against Hungary, the Northern League minister is ready to go along with Lindner

The joke that is attributed to him, perhaps dictated by the suggestion of the World Cup, is that “European Councils are a bit like football matches”. In short, “a simple game” that lasts 90 minutes and in which “Germany wins” in the end. Here it is, the thought of Herr Giorgetti, Minister of Economy of the most anti-German party who has become Berlin’s best friend. Convinced that the harmony with my colleague Christian Lindner, on the Mes dossier as on the Ita one, could be useful for Italy.

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