Salvini pretends to retreat but advances to the government: Rai, Servizi, ministries, sport

Salvini pretends to retreat but advances to the government: Rai, Servizi, ministries, sport


He plays “dead” to come back alive. Like in the water Matteo Salvini is catching his breath, extends the body of the League and waits for the surf to repel the Meloni ship. In fact, it is not true that Salvini is satisfied with being the minority shareholder of FdI and it is not even true that he is now the premier’s “cuirassier”. Salvini is silently “supervising” the ganglia of the state. Justice, television, Pnrr, Services, school, economy, sport. Today he could cash in on what the League calls an “epochal success”. It is the election of Fabio Pinelli as vice president of the CSM. He is the lawyer of the League and he defended the Veneto region of Luca Zaia, but he is also the lawyer of Luca Morisi. Salvini has a strategy of his own. On the Nordio case he anticipated the prime minister and won the smiles of the magistrates. He dreams of delivering Italy a new procurement code and autonomy in the north. He is the revenant leader, the revived.

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