Romagna and those who say climate change is just an ideology

Romagna and those who say climate change is just an ideology


Those who say climate change is just an ideology. Those who say that dealing with it means being part of a dangerous religious sect. Those who say ok the climate is changing what’s the rush, we have plenty of time we want to fit. Those who don’t like electric cars, we like the smell of petrol and the roar of the internal combustion engine. Those that renewables are ugly are a rape of the landscape (while drills are not).

Those keep the air conditioners at maximum, and then the radiators at maximum, those who they always go to the maximum as if the resources were infinite even if on May 15th Italy has already consumed its annual dowry of natural resources, from that day on we are in debt; it means that we consume the resources of others, of poor countries which are the first victims of extreme climatic events. Those who complain if desperate migrants arrive from those countries. Those who say that we have to help them in their home when it is their home that is no longer there because of us. Those who tell Europe hands off the Italians, you don’t want us to change lifestyles to improve the world, the world is fine with us like this.

Those who luckily have oil and gas, indeed while we’re at it, we’re looking for other deposits. The ones you don’t want us to give up plastic? Those who are the country’s problem are the kids who protest, eco-terrorists! Those who mourn the victims of the Romagna flood today and who instead they should shut up and wondering if they’re doing it all wrong.


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