Premierato, what it is and what it means in 4 questions and answers

Premierato, what it is and what it means in 4 questions and answers


There are three forms of government on which the parties focused during the meetings with Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, premiership, chancellorship and French-style semi-presidentialism. Each has very different characteristics.

What does the premiership include?

The Prime Minister has always declared that she is in favor of presidentialism, ie the direct election of the President of the Republic. A formula on which you, however, have not yet found the necessary consensus. Meloni, therefore, does not exclude the possibility of taking other paths, as long as they guarantee governments elected by the citizens and which can last for the entire legislature. The form of government on which the focus is above all on the premiership, i.e. the direct election of the prime minister or the strengthening of the powers of the head of government, such as the possibility of dismissing ministers, while remaining tied to a relationship of trust with the Parliament.

What are the benefits and who supports it?
It is a hypothesis that makes it possible to maintain the role of the President of the Republic as a figure necessary to ensure a fair balance of powers. The coordinator of Forza Italia Antonio Tajani expressed himself in favor of the premiership. And he could find the support of the centrists of Action and Italia viva. Matteo Renzi’s party is in favor of electing the so-called “mayor of Italy”, chosen with a two-round electoral system, as happens in big cities. The only experiment of the premiership intended as direct election of the prime minister took place in Israel.

What does the Chancellorship provide?
It is a form of government in which the head of government has broader powers than those of the Italian prime minister, as happens in Germany. The chancellor holds executive power and must have the confidence of parliament. He is appointed by the President who therefore retains his current powers and role, a formula which is therefore also considered acceptable by the oppositions. Cinque Stelle, Pd, Azione, PiùEuropa and Verdi have declared their opposition to the direct election, both of the Head of State and of the Head of Government. All have indicated in the chancellorship the model on which they are willing to talk: therefore strengthening the powers of the Prime Minister, including the possibility of proposing the dissolution of Parliament, and constructive distrust, the mechanism according to which a government does not fall if at the same time it does not another is born. In short, a system similar to the German one, considered among the most stable even though it does not provide for any direct elections.

What does French-style semi-presidentialism entail?
Semi-presidentialism is a form of government that features elements of the presidential form of government and the parliamentary form of government. In this case there is a double executive power and the roles of the head of state and the head of government are complementary: the head of state supports popular legitimacy and represents the continuity of state and nation, while the head of government exercises political leadership and assumes responsibility for the day-to-day functions of government. The President of the Republic has much higher powers than those currently held by the head of state in Italy, he appoints the prime minister and on his proposal, appoints the other members of the government and puts an end to their functions. Finally, he chairs the Council of Ministers. The prime minister is an emanation of the president of the republic and needs the confidence of the parliament.


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