Giorgia Meloni flies to Prague from the European allies: today the meeting with Fiala

Giorgia Meloni flies to Prague from the European allies: today the meeting with Fiala


The bilateral

The premier sees the Czech prime minister: on the table immigration, reform of the Stability Pact and energy security. European alliances will also be discussed, in view of next year’s elections, and the future of the Conservative Group (ECR)

Giorgia Meloni flies to Praguefor a double meeting first with the premier Peter Fialathen with the President of the Czech Republic Petr Pavel. Appointment at 12, when the leader of the Brothers of Italy will go to the residence of the prime minister: various topics on the table, from immigration to energy security up to the reform of the Stability Pactrecently presented in Brussels. A meeting with journalists will follow in the local government headquarters, scheduled for 2.40 pm.

The understanding between the two heads of government has been strengthened in the past months in the course of various diplomatic exchanges, the last of which last February on the sidelines of the European Council, together with Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. The line of the two executives is in fact in agreement on many dossiers: before anyone else the management of migration flows, on which Prime Minister Fiala has repeatedly expressed support for Italian requests in Europe. Even in economic matters the positions overlap: on the new governance of Stability pact both countries are asking the EU for flexibility on public debt. Finally, since the beginning of the armed conflict, the Czech Republic has been one of the most decisive states in themilitary support in Kyiv: an approach in line with the firmness shown so far by the Italian government.

The eye will be focused on European elections next year: the Civic Democratic Party (ODS), of which Fiala is leader, is part of the Group of European Conservatives and Reformists as Brothers of Italy (ecr), chaired by Giorgia Meloni. It is easy to predict that there will be room to discuss this too in the bilateral meeting.


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