No more than 60 minutes of TikTok per day: the app’s new limit for under 18s

No more than 60 minutes of TikTok per day: the app's new limit for under 18s


It has nothing to do with the tensions that have arisen in recent days with Europe and many other Western countries, and yet TikTok is somehow moving to meet some requests from the authorities. Especially regarding the teenagers and younger users in general.

In particular, the tools made available through the Family Connection, the one that associates an adult’s TikTok account with that of the minor for whom he is responsible. This section of the app allows the adult to intervene on some control functions, such as the management of time (to set a maximum time that the child can spend on TikTok each day) and gods messages direct (to limit who can send messages to the child’s account) and the so-called Restricted Mode, which excludes the vision of some content deemed unsuitable.

Social networks

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60 minutes (of TikTok) can be enough

The most important novelty concerns time management: according to what has been explained, “for the accounts of all users under the age of 18, the daily usage time limit will automatically reset to 60 minutes”. If this limit is reached, “the teenager will be asked to enter an access code to be able to continue watching the videos”: it will therefore be possible to extend the maximum time of use, but to do so an action on the part of the user will be required.

From TikTok Italy they made it clear to us that the code will arrive on the minor’s smartphone and that the adult will then be able to monitor the activation of this extra time and that in the event of prolonged use after the first extension, other recommendations will come to take a break or in any case to set a time limit.

Stop notifications starting at 21

Again through the Family Link, adults will be able to customize a teenager’s daily limit (even with different limits on different days of the week) and access a sort of summary panel, which shows the time spent on the app, how many times it has been opened and details of the time spent online day and of Night.

Also interesting is the approach to notifications (which in any case on TikTok are less intrusive than on other apps): future settings will allow parents to program the times in which to silence them, but already today users between 13 and 15 years they don’t receive notifications after 9pmand those between 16 and 17 do not receive them after 10pm.



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