Musk’s horror proposal to tax content on Twitter isn’t that crazy

Musk's horror proposal to tax content on Twitter isn't that crazy


The era of the internet and all free social media has finished its cycle and is no longer economically sustainable or ethically acceptable. Because free hides business models that are sometimes questionable. Ecosystems evolve and to survive you need to think about things differently

Stephen King it must be understood. La di lei is the story of a provincial teacher with a passion for writing, who for years has seen novels rejected before hitting the right one, Carrie. Since then he has been rightfully filled with money for every line of his incredible literary production. It is not surprising that someone like King, faced with the hypothesis of having to pay to stay on Twitter with the “blue check” (the verified account), has risen: “Fuck, they’re the ones who should pay me“. Like the king of horror, for a couple of days many have reacted with horror to the hypothesis that Elon Musk introduces forms of payment to use the social media most loved by politicians, journalists and writers.

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