Musk’s economic relations with the Saudis and Biden’s dig

Musk's economic relations with the Saudis and Biden's dig


“I think Elon Musk’s cooperation and technical relations with other countries are to be investigated,” said the president of the United States. Is the CEO of Tesla, Spacex and now Twitter too close to regimes?

It may have been the euphoria of the relatively good mid-term election results, or perhaps the grotesque series of events that swept Twitter over the past week, but last Wednesday Joe Biden decided to expose himself to Elon Musk. You did so by answering a question during a press conference: “Mr. President, do you think Elon Musk poses a threat to national security?” Silence in the hall. Biden was silent for a few seconds, then replied: “I think Elon Musk’s cooperation and technical relations with other countries are to be investigated. Regardless of whether he is doing something inappropriate or not, I say it is worth checking out ”.

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