Meloni betrays Poland, Hungary, Ecr. The future of the mediator

Meloni betrays Poland, Hungary, Ecr.  The future of the mediator


Brussels, from our correspondent. Go trust your friends. Half past ten in the morning. Eighth floor of the Palazzo Europa. In the living room of the Italian delegation a trilateral in “zero” format is staged. Without ambassadors and diplomatic advisers in between. No witnesses. There are only the three of them. Giorgia Meloni is seated in an armchair, with her torso stretched out towards the two guests who are on the sofa: the knotty Mateusz Morawiecki and Viktor Orbán, also overflowing in proxemics. The premier speaks in English. She divides them a low table (and not only). Above which there are sheets. Those of impossible mediation. The proposal that will not be accepted by Poland and Hungary. Them, the east of Visegrad on one side; she, the West, from another. Is the first time. It all takes thirty minutes. Enough to separate the leader of the Conservatives from Warsaw and Budapest: friends Mateusz and Viktor don’t want to hear about it. They are not willing to vote with the rest of the 25 EU countries on the conclusions on migrants of this European Council. The problem is the internal dimension. Hence the welcome. Poland and Hungary already receive many Ukrainians fleeing the war, “even those fleeing Africa are excessive”. Meloni proposes to raise the current quota of 200 euros per Ukrainian accepted. He collects a double no. Behind practical motivations lies the essence of sovereignty.

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