Meloni postpones the Mes to November, when the European scenario will be worse for her

Meloni postpones the Mes to November, when the European scenario will be worse for her


The race against time on the Stability Pact. The contortions on Recovery with Brussels. And the competition with Salvini which will be even tougher after the summer, in view of the European ones. The prime minister ambushes her majority, but risks complicating her life

While the extremely refined strategy of “patriotic ambush”, as a self-deprecating Melonian calls it, took shape, Thursday afternoon, Stefano Candiani, a Salvinian of rank, shook his head: “The ending is already written anyway. The Mes will be approved and no one will notice. Three days of controversy, and that’s it.” There were even those who suggested that, if he recants it will have to be, as it will be, we might as well do it now, with the sun shining in, the Italians who are already thinking about umbrellas, and close it there. And instead, nothing. Four months suspension. We’ll talk about it again in November. This is the gimmick born from the right. Who, in the anxiety of the postponement, has perhaps not realized that in truth the choice risks complicating the situation on at least three fronts: the Stability Pact, the Pnrr, and the European elections.

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