Meloni and the national interest (to be defined on new bases) –

Meloni and the national interest (to be defined on new bases) -


Of Massimo Franco

There is a linearity in Palazzo Chigi’s policy, which can be shared or not: betting on the possibility of getting the most out of the EU on the Stability Pact, delaying the ratification of the Mes

It’s hard not to agree with the majority when they say that the opposition is divided over the Mes, the controversial state-saving fund. In fact, they are on almost everything: especially when it comes to foreign policy. also risky, however, to contrast the swampy fragmentation of the left with the image of a compact right. Although it is a division made up of silences, absences, cryptic signals and tactical dissociation, even the majority shows that they are in tension. It doesn’t break because it rules. But sometimes it seems to find unity only by postponing decisions: just as in the case of the Mes, whose ratification has been suspended for four months; and offering conflicting judgments between and even within the allied parties: the case of the Ministry of Economy of the Northern League Giancarlo Giorgetti, in favor of the s while yesterday Matteo Salvini reiterated his no, a striking example.

That said, endorsing the thesis of the Democratic Party and the grillini who accredit a two-faced Meloni, soft in Brussels and tough in front of Parliament, could be good for the controversy. In reality, there is a linearity in Palazzo Chigi’s policy, which can be shared or not. that of betting on the possibility of getting the most out of the EU on the Stability Pact, delaying the ratification of the Mes. The premier knows that part of her coalition is ready to point out its contradictions, if she says yes to the bailout after long demonizing it with the League and with the M5S: distant times, of which an echo is still felt.

This is why he hopes that time dilation can bring some advantages; and accredit an Italy capable of playing on more European tables, to get better results. It is a maneuver as calculated as it is risky. Already the criticisms of the EU commissioner, Paolo Gentiloni, that he had called for changes to the recovery plan to be made soon, have left some bewildered. But above all, when Meloni rightly says that the European background and priorities have changed, he seems to hesitate to draw conclusions.

It suffices to record the differences between and with its allies in Europe: Poland and Hungary. Yesterday, after meeting the presidents of the two eastern states, he acknowledged their no to migrants. But the prime minister explained that she is never disappointed by those who defend the national interest. Polish and Hungarian sovereignty conspire against the Italian national interest, per, and pose the problem of how to redefine it in a changed context. The singular aspect is that the Visegrad group, which also includes Slovakia and the Czech Republic, fell apart over the conflict in Ukraine, because Poland is pro-Nato, Hungary is pro-Putin. the umpteenth contradiction that Europe, and above all Italy, will have to try to resolve between now and the 2024 European Championships.

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June 30, 2023 (change June 30, 2023 | 20:52)


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