Mattarella uses Manzoni to show what there is the risk of governing by following only the polls

Mattarella uses Manzoni to show what there is the risk of governing by following only the polls


The President of the Republic explained that defending the national interest is incompatible with nationalism, recalling how dangerous it is to have “ruling classes” who are more ready to “indulge their electoral base and its changing moods” than to build and “define the future “. Which in the case of Italy passes through the Pnrr

“Common sense was there; but it was hidden, for fear of common sense”. And the President of the Republic yesterday clearly indicated how easily the source of his concern can be identified in a thought incompatible with the defense of national interest: nationalism. Yesterday, the head of state chose to use the pretext of the commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the death of Alessandro Manzoni to put some order in the political debate and show the right coordinates to use in order not to go outside the perimeter of good governance. Through Manzoni, Mattarella denounced “the dangers that democratic societies run today in the face of the spread of the distorted and aggressive use of social media”.

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