Mattarella in Casal di Principe: «Beating the mafia is possible. Don Diana a hero of our times”

Mattarella in Casal di Principe: «Beating the mafia is possible.  Don Diana a hero of our times"


The example of Don Diana

“In addition to demanding a greater and more effective presence of the State, Don Peppino Diana had addressed his strong and heartfelt appeal for courage, resistance, to free himself from the Camorra, precisely to his parishioners, citizens, civil society, the consciences of honest people. He understood that the mafia is also a consequence of ignorance, underdevelopment, lack of prospects, and that therefore repression – indispensable – is not sufficient and that the mafia can be definitively defeated by developing models based on legality, transparency, culture, on the efficiency of the public machinery” the head of state said again.

“A courage-detonating murder”

“Casal di Principe proved it. The heinous murder of Don Peppino Diana was a detonator of courage and desire for redemption. It has produced a wave of outrage, of civil participation, a real battle to promote the rule of law. The Mayor recalled this, recalling the great popular participation that accompanied Don Diana’s coffin 29 years ago. The population has said enough to oppression and arrogance, facilitating, in a decisive way, the action of the forces of order and the judiciary. Were cut – with enthusiasm, with resistance, with the rejection of mafia methods, even with irony – those threads of complicity, connivance, fear that kept chained ideals, dreams, positive and creative energies” Mattarella’s words. “The Italian Republic considers the fight against all mafias a priority. With advanced laws and instruments, thanks to the commitment of investigators and law enforcement agencies – to whom we must always express our closeness and our gratitude – powerful and threatening organizations have been disarticulated, arrogant leaders have been brought to justice, entire areas have been been freed from mafia oppression,” said the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, speaking from Casal di Principe.

“Politics is authoritative in giving answers”

“In the bunkers full of luxury where the Camorra bosses of Casal di Principe lived, barricaded, today there are activities of assistance, volunteering, creativity, solidarity entrepreneurship. The city represents a virtuous model of civil participation. Solidarity, inclusiveness, art, culture, cheerfulness are antidotes to the mafia mentality, which thrives on ignorance, contempt for others, fear”. This was stated by the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, speaking from Casal di Principe. “The Republic is close to you. All public administrations must effectively make their presence felt alongside the citizens. Along with all expressions of civil society. Politics should be authoritative in providing answers to the emergencies and socio-economic problems of the territories. The administration must be efficient, rapid in solutions and transparent” was Mattrealla’s warning. Thanks also to the precious work of voluntary associations, the anti-mafia culture and the rejection of criminal methods have spread in an extraordinary way, especially among young people, breaking the chains of silence and fear. We must not stop watching. Organized crime is capable of living in hiding, ready to raise its head at the slightest sign of subsidence”. This was stated by the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, speaking from Casal di Principe.

“Mafiosi fear schools more than judges”

“Dear girls and dear boys, Maria and Fabrizio talked about the preconceptions, the prejudices they often register. You must be proud to have been born in this land, which has been able to accomplish this true, great, rebirth. You must feel the pride of being fellow citizens of Don Diana. You must refuse, right from the school desks, oppression, violence, arrogance, bullying, which are a breeding ground for the mafia mentality. Always remember that you are the generation of hope, the one to which Don Diana ideally passed the baton of legality”. The president, Sergio Mattarella, said so. “A great magistrate, an expert on the mafia organization, Antonino Caponnetto, used to repeat that “mafiosi fear schools more than judges, because education cuts the grass under the feet of mafia culture.” In this school, with your teachers, you are laying the foundations for a better future, for your territory and for the life of your communities. I have come to bring you the appreciation and encouragement of the Republic. Italy looks to you with attention, solidarity, sympathy, trust”. This was stated by the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, speaking from Casal di Principe. “Beating the mafia is possible. Giovanni Falcone said it: “The mafia is by no means invincible. It is a human fact and like all human facts it has a beginning and will also have an end” concluded the President of the Republic.


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