Innovation? It must put the human being at the center

Innovation?  It must put the human being at the center


Redesigning the concept of innovation. Or rather, try to cleanse the term from the myth and give it a more concrete dimension, which knows how to put the human being back at the center. First of all, innovation to be such must have impact, must be functional and must improve life and interactions between human beings.

Because according to Tim Cook everyone should study a programming language

by Bruno Ruffilli

This, in short, is the heart of Intersection, a conference organized by Hinto to talk about new digital trends from the point of view of designers and developers. This fourth edition, staged at the Intesa San Paolo skyscraper in Turin, is characterized by the hashtag #FastEvolvingTimes and aims to reflect on the transformations accelerated by the pandemic. And from there Alastair Somerville of Acuity started, trying to define the “here” in which we find ourselves today, in this post lockdown time, but not yet post Covid: “Compared to 2020 we are in a future that is not necessarily wanted, the result of a series of necessary choices “. A future in which digital and technology have accelerated considerably, in most cases to respond to emergency situations. “It took me at least six months to figure out how I could work in the emergency situation and another six months to figure out how to best use the new tools I had available. We used technology not because we wanted to, but because we had no alternatives. At the beginning we had to do with what was there, then the different tools were adapted, modified to meet the new needs that were emerging “.

The art of innovating

by Mario Di Ciommo

The human being at the center

Once the strictly emergency phase has been overcome, it is essential to distinguish between what is good and continue to use it, from what is not necessary or which in any case does not serve to improve our activities and interactions. In this sense, another aspect that has undergone a significant acceleration with the pandemic was the concept of “human-centered” innovation, able to put the human being at the center. “We understand that engineering alone is not enough, the tools have to be pleasant to use and have to improve the quality of life or work of the end user,” concludes Somerville.

Intersection, mixing technology, development and design, aims to offer concrete examples of innovation and operational methodologies that start from the needs of the human being. The game in mixed reality, which combines digital and virtual worlds, in a continuous alternation between reality and virtuality, becomes a useful tool for interacting with subjects suffering from autism, even at a young age, as told by Marc Biemer of Futuric. Data and Artificial Intelligence play and will play an increasingly central role in the process of innovation and, one might add, the evolution of the human being. But also in this case, as confirmed by Jacopo Moretto and Marco Cavaliere of Triplesense Reply, always keeping man at the center, It is no coincidence that they started from a quote by Professor Yann LeCun of New York University: “Our intelligence is what it makes us human and AI is an extension of that quality ”. In the field of design and creativity, therefore, AI becomes a support, an accelerator, not a threat. In this sense we could speak of “Augmented Intelligence”, which sees human intelligence at the center and at the top of the creative and decision-making chain.

Upskill 4.0 promotes social innovation

by Beatrice Foresti

Open practices to transform the PA

The step-by-step process to foster the development of a culture of innovation is particularly important for the Public Administration. Push from below and design collaboration are the basis of the initiatives of the Department for digital transformation and Agid, Designers Italia and Developers Italia, which aim to promote a cultural change towards all the actors that contribute to the digital transformation of the public sector. To date, over 21,000 people have subscribed to the community channels. The contamination between the two realities is a fundamental aspect of the project: “To create a digital service, the user’s problem must be understood, a solution must be designed, interface prototypes created, tested and then developed the chosen solution – explain Claudia Cristina Pollina and Riccardo Iaconelli, of the Department for digital transformation -. A good designer cannot ignore, in this process, the technical feasibility of every small design decision, just as a good developer does not start developing without first having known the overall design “.

The pandemic has accelerated the digitalization process of the PA, as certified by DESI, the digitalization index of the economy and society published by the European Commission. Now it is important to continue along the marked path. The new Design Guidelines for PA digital sites and services, published by Agid, which contain strategic indications for designing, developing and maintaining PA digital sites and services, go in this direction. “We have published in support of a Design operation manual, which helps the PA to guide and improve the design and implementation of points of contact with the citizen – explain Pollina and Iaconelli -. In addition, we are committed to updating the country’s design system and are updating the website templates and services for municipalities and schools so that they are increasingly citizen-friendly “. The road is marked, the path in progress, designers and developers can contribute to improving the country’s digital services, responding to the call of the Department for Digital Transformation.


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