Indie Chatbots: this is how independent AIs proliferate that escape the control of the (few) rules

Indie Chatbots: this is how independent AIs proliferate that escape the control of the (few) rules


The growing phenomenon of independent artificial intelligences, in the wake of ChatGPT, raises questions about the transparency of internal rules and the implications of total autonomy

ChatGPT, the chatbot designed by Open AI, is a so-called black box, or black box: what happens inside it, the rules it obeys and the limits it must respect, are not visible from the outside. Together, these rules and restrictions make up the “array” of artificial intelligence, something like an artificial worldview that it is required to abide by. According to some, for example, the artificial intelligences of OpenAI have “a left-libertarian orientation and in favor of environmentalism”, as noted by the US research center Brookings Institution, and it is precisely the presence of this type of bias and prejudice that worries some politicians and businessmen close to the US right.

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