Musumeci key man of the shores: the extension of the concessions is worth 500 million

Musumeci key man of the shores: the extension of the concessions is worth 500 million


It is a world that is worth at least 3,500 votes if it is limited to entrepreneurs alone, but which, counting workers as well, can reach up to 100,000. Also because the turnover is breathtaking: half a billion a year in Sicily alone, against rents of 10 million. The former president of the Nello Musumeci Region, deprived of competence over the South (and of the relative visibility), consoles himself by obtaining from the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni a delegation very dear to him, the one on beach concessions: his ministry, and in Sicily the ‘assessor of the Territory entrusted to his faithful Elena Pagana, thus put their hands on the thorny Bolkestein affair, that is the obligation to send a tender by the end of…


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