Have a child and pay rent in Milan? It can be done. The commissioner Maran speaks

Have a child and pay rent in Milan?  It can be done.  The commissioner Maran speaks


An already operational tender of the Lombard municipality makes nine thousand euros available in three years for the homes of couples who had a child in 2023. “A useful and innovative way to use the funds”, says the councilor of Sala

“There are two innovative aspects, and it is a fair challenge that a city like Milan has the courage to undertake: to encourage parenting, in a dramatic situation of the birth rate that we are all familiar with, not only in Italy, and implement a concrete intervention that helps to mitigate the problem of high rents in a city where housing tension is very high”. He is not a politician for proclamations, Pierfrancesco Maran, councilor for the House of the municipality of Milan, prefers concreteness and knows that the two issues are held: “I think it is a signal given in the right direction. It is true that there is a certain negative ‘story’ of life which has become impossible in cities, especially for young people and even more so for couples who decide to have children. There are obviously problems, but a contribution of this type, which goes to help new parents, has a precise meaning”.

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